Portobello Organic Market December 2011

Stalls con­firmed for 3rd December are:

Malvarosa — hot and cold Spanish tapas made in Portobello

Caurnie Soap — artis­an soap producers

Cramond Bramble — deli­cious fudge

Man With Fire — BBQ meats and veg­gie snacks

Pea Green Boat — Scotch eggs (meat and veget­arian), cheese bis­cuits, saus­age rolls, unusu­al pre­serves, spiced fruit juice, and tra­di­tional hand­made crepe paper christ­mas crackers

Fare — beau­ti­ful ready-to-cook organ­ic meals and Christmas puddings

Wood N Menagerie — wooden gifts, orna­ments and toys hand craf­ted from join­ery off-cuts and oth­er recycled materials

Temptations — hand baked cakes, slices and oth­er treats

Made in Portobello — hand made gifts inspired by loc­al scenery

Blackmount Organics — organ­ic meats and pies fresh from the farm

Harajuku Kitchen — fresh Japanese style noodles and sushi

Ziggys — vegan and veget­ari­an foods and dips

Arran Cheeses — wide range of cheeses, cheese hampers and oatcakes

Patisserie Jacob — fresh breads plus savoury and sweet pastries

Windsheil Farm — organ­ic reared meats includ­ing saus­ages, joints and cold cuts, plus eggs

Oxenfoord Organics — fresh sea­sonal fruit & veget­ables, plus jams and chutneys

GA Thomson — fresh fish in sea­son, plus smoked fish and shellfish

Portobello Swim Centre — mem­ber­ship deals that can help you cut your waist.

PEDAL — Portobello Transition Town — your loc­al trans­ition ini­ti­at­ive offer­ing inform­a­tion on low car­bon liv­ing, loc­al pro­jects you can get involved in, plus ‘Porty’ branded t‑shirts and jute bags for sale.


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