Category Archives: Market

Market stalls for June

Remember the Portobello Organic Market is on this Saturday, June 4 at Brighton Park from 9:30am to 1:30pm. Hope you can make it along!

The stalls this month will be: Continue read­ing

Portobello Organic Market, this Saturday 4th June

Fantastic loc­ally-pro­duced, sea­son­al and organ­ic food, drink, arts & crafts for sale.

This Saturday there will be new stalls by Kaori Simpson (Japanese noodle bar) and Burgh Bakes (marsh­mal­low cakes).

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello When: 9.30am — 1.30pm For more inform­a­tion vis­it the mar­ket page.

Portobello Organic Market, this Saturday, 7th May

Fantastic loc­ally-pro­duced, sea­son­al and organ­ic food, drink, arts & crafts for sale.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh

When: 9.30 — 1.30, Saturday 7th May 2011

For inform­a­tion on stall­hold­ers at this Saturday’s mar­ket click here.

For inform­a­tion on the mar­ket, how to get there, and how to book a stall, click here.

Does organic food cost me more?

Many people like the idea of the organ­ic mar­ket and of eat­ing more organ­ic food, but believe the prices are just too high. Cheap food, often avail­able in the super­mar­kets through BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free) offers and so on is good, surely? Actually, the answer is usu­ally NO!

‘Cheap’ food is, in fact, largely a myth and doesn’t actu­ally exist, because in the mean­time someone, some­where is pay­ing instead. Or the envir­on­ment is pay­ing; and when the envir­on­ment pays, we can be sure that, soon­er or later, the bill will fall on us.

Read more or this art­icle… Does organ­ic food cost me more?

Portobello Organic Market — March 5th

The Next Portobello Organic Market is this Saturday!

March 5th 10am to 2pm

Brighton Park

Come along and get all your lovely loc­al, organ­ic pro­duce for the week, and maybe sneak in a yummy cup­cake or two!  We also have some new stalls, includ­ing veg­gie snacks and upcycled cloth­ing (that is lovely new cloth­ing made with recycled materials).

Stallholders for March

The sur­vey we did last month showed that at least two thirds of you walked or cycled to the mar­ket, so keep up the good work!  If you drove, maybe you could walk instead and burn off the cup­cake cal­or­ies on the way home?

Market Group Meeting 28th Feb

The next Portobello Organic Market Group meet­ing is on the 28th Feb 7 – 9pm. 

If you love the mar­ket and would like to get involved, come along to the meet­ing and find out what you could do!

We are always look­ing for more volun­teer stew­ards for mar­ket day, as well as any­one who would like to help pro­mote the mar­ket, organ­ise events and enter­tain­ment on mar­ket day, and con­trib­ute to the stalls policy.

If you want to come to the meet­ing please let me know so I can make sure we have enough room 🙂

Polly Cooke

Food Worker

Local Food Links Meeting

Local Food Links

Tuesday 25th January from 7 – 9pm

Portobello Community Centre

At the last Local Food Links get togeth­er we talked about what we wanted to to achieve in a years time…now we want to get things moving!

We want to bring togeth­er as many people as pos­sible who have been involved in PEDAL’s food pro­jects,  and people who are inter­ested in loc­al food but haven’t yet man­aged to get involved.  Folk will be able to choose the top­ic they’re most keen on and work with oth­ers to plan what can be done over the next year.

There are exist­ing pro­jects like Fruitful Porty or the Portobello Organic Market, which has been incred­ibly suc­cess­ful, but is only fun­ded until the end of March, so it needs volun­teers if it is to con­tin­ue being the great com­munity event it is.  As well as ideas for new pro­jects rais­ing loc­al food aware­ness or set­ting up a com­munity shop.

So, if you are inter­ested in the future of loc­al food in Portobello, come along!

We hope to see you there!

For more inform­a­tion on the first loc­al food links meet­ing see our earli­er post­ing and food page

Next Portobello Organic Market — 5th March

Portobello Organic Market fea­tures the best of artis­an and organ­ic food, drink and arts & crafts sourced from the south east of Scotland. The mar­ket is held on the first Saturday of each month. With an open plan lay­out and up to 25 stalls selling a wide range of pro­duce, what bet ter way to start your month?

Venue: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh
Opening Times: 10am to 2pm, Saturday 5th March and the first Saturday of every month thereafter.

You can view more inform a tion about the Organic Market and how to book a stall via these links.

Next Portobello Organic Market — 5th February

Portobello Organic Market fea­tures the best of artis­an and organ­ic food, drink and arts & crafts sourced from the south east of Scotland. The mar­ket is held on the first Saturday of each month (except January, when there will be no mar­ket). With an open plan lay­out and up to 25 stalls selling a wide range of pro­duce, what bet ter way to start your month?

Venue: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello, Edinburgh
Opening Times: 10am to 2pm, Saturday 5th February and the first Saturday of every month thereafter.

You can view more inform a tion about the Organic Market and how to book a stall via these links.

Local Food Whatever the weather!

Portobello Organic Market in the snowThe December Portobello Organic Market was a sunny snowy suc­cess des­pite the win­tery weath­er and most oth­er events being can­celled.  We brought fresh bread, veg, meat, fish, cakes and gifts to Portobello when everything else seemed to be run­ning out.

The Christmas Hamper Treasure Hunt went down a storm as well , with great com­pet­i­tion devel­op­ing to find the hid­den golden apple.  The lucky win­ner of the hamper was Andrew Paton, so con­grat­u­la­tions to him and thank you so much to all the stall­hold­ers who con­trib­uted produce.

Have a very merry christ­mas and remem­ber the first Portobello Organic Market of 2011 is on February 5th 10am — 2pm.

(Apologies for any con­fu­sion caused by January date men­tioned in Edinburgh Outlook)